Sunday, 21 April 2013

Snapshooting is an activity, Not a camera type

We often refer to those small cameras as a “Point and Shoot”. It’s colloquial for “compact camera”. And people often yearn to graduate past such a limited camera and get a big DSLR. And then, after that, the gates of Gear Acquisition Syndrome are opened and the hounds of hell pursue you to the house of Full Frame. (Have a look at +Eric Kim 's article on how he left Full Frame.)

Sure, it’s their life, it’s their money – they can spend it anyway they want. They can collect gear and enjoy the pursuit of Gear Lust and Camera Collection.

But, a fair number of people really do want to take better photos. Have you seen the recent burgeoning of Digital Camera Magazines and Photography Magazines in your local newsagents? The Personal Computer Magazines have all but disappeared as a result.
So, some newbies finally save up and grab an expensive, big, serious camera. Then what?

Some take to the new gear easily. And produce way different photos. But some just shoot really sharp, squeaky clean, noise free photos of… the same as they shot with the compacts. That is, the gear has upgraded, sure the picture IQ (Image Quality) has gone up by leaps and bounds but the photo itself, well it isn’t that interesting. You don't have to tell them it doesn't look interesting – they themselves feel something is missing.

So what do they do? They reach for the technique du jour (or the gear du jour).
Yet, the underlying photo looks the same.

And then, they ask YOU, the more experienced photographer for critique.

What do you say? Here’s what Sab Willi says (it’s not just for Street Photography). There would be differences in some examples but I would concur.

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