Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Olympus Viewer 3 retired, now use Olympus Workspace

Olympus just made Olympus Workspace available in 32 bit, 64 bit and MacOS versions. There is a file named OV4.ini in the folder with the executable so maybe it was going to be called Olympus Viewer 4 but they decided to make the name change so that we would take notice. Also, 4 isn't a greatly favoured number in Japan and China.

You'll want some manual or documentation. When you first install Workspace, the documentation is not supplied. You need to run Workspace, choose Help > Update Software to display the following dialog

to get the Adobe Acrobat format file in

C:\Program Files (x86)\OLYMPUS\Olympus Workspace 

Friday, 25 January 2019

Why did Olympus call the new pro flagship E-M1x ?

The new pro flagship for the Olympus Micro Four Thirds line has just been launched. Youtubers, bloggers are having their initial impressions published.

After running through a few of these, the question that I came up with is, why did Olympus call the camera the X ? What's your guess?

  • It's X for Xtra Large?
  • It's X for eXperimantal test rig to develop all the new tech without size or energy constraints and let that trickle down later to the other cameras in the line?
  • It's X for eXtended OMD-EM1?
  • It's to balance with eXtra long lenses? 
Here are the initial impressions / videos so far.  Come to MeWe and join in the community for friendly chats on Olympus gear

From Robin Wong 

From DP Review

From Peter Forsgard

From Tony Northrup

From Joe Edelman

From Creative Island Photography

From Mirrorless Lessons

From Young-Sun Teh