Saturday, 15 March 2014

What Makes The Difference

Amidst all the Gear Acquisition Syndrome, the Pixel Peeping, the High Dynamic Range ubiquity, the ennui, I'm searching for self, for the why.

From the dpreview interview with Benjamin Von Wong

"I have a story of a guy who quit his job, who embraced this idea of living a dream and traveling and inspiring; and I speak, I communicate. I am an entertainer as much as I am a photographer. I have the ability to do more than take pictures. I can write, I can shoot, and I can direct, and I can do videos. That's what makes me unique, not my photography. Everyone has this experience that they can sell, they just need to figure out how to package it all together - and then you can sell it to somebody."

I'm not (yet?) into money from photography, I'm just seeking myself.